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Jul 20, 1906 - Indian Treaty No. 10 was signed.
Sage Hill Writing Experience Sainte-Marie, Buffy (Beverly) (1941-) Sakimay First Nation Sakundiak, Peter (1922-) Salemka, Irene (1931-) Saltcoats Salvation Army Sanderson, Sol Sandison, John Edgar (1925-2004) Sapergia, Barbara (1943-) Sapp, Allen (1929-) Sarjeant, William Antony Swithin (1935-2002) Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Arts Board Saskatchewan Association for Lifelong Learning (SALL) Saskatchewan Association for Multicultural Education Saskatchewan Association of Agricultural Societies and Exhibitions Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Saskatchewan Association of School Business Officials Saskatchewan Bill of Rights Saskatchewan Book Awards Saskatchewan Book Bureau Saskatchewan Broiler Hatching Egg Producers' Marketing Board (BHE) Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Saskatchewan Coalition for Social Justice (SCSJ) Saskatchewan Commercial Fisherman's Co-operative Federation Ltd. (SCFCFL) Saskatchewan Community Schools Association Saskatchewan Computer Utility Corporation (SaskCOMP) Saskatchewan Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre (SKCDC) Saskatchewan Co-operative Association (SCA) Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Company (SCEC) Saskatchewan Dental Plan Saskatchewan Dragoons Saskatchewan Egg Producers (SEP) Saskatchewan Farm Security Act Saskatchewan Farmers Union Saskatchewan Federation of Agriculture Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) Saskatchewan Government Airways Saskatchewan Government and General Employees' Union (SGEU) Saskatchewan Government Correspondence School Saskatchewan Government Employees' Association Strike
of 1979 Saskatchewan Government Insurance Office Strike of 1948 Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) Saskatchewan Grain Grower's Association (SGGA) Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Saskatchewan Health Survey, 1949- 51 Saskatchewan Heritage Fund Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society Saskatchewan Home Builders' Association Saskatchewan Housing Industry Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST) Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy Saskatchewan Intercultural Association Saskatchewan Jazz Festival Saskatchewan Land Surveyors' Association (SLSA) Saskatchewan Legislative Building Saskatchewan Library Association Saskatchewan Mafia Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) Saskatchewan Minerals Saskatchewan Mining Association Inc. Saskatchewan Music Festival Association (SMFA) Saskatchewan Organic Directorate (SOD) Saskatchewan Organization for Heritage Languages (SOHL) Saskatchewan Party Saskatchewan Penal Commission Saskatchewan Police College Saskatchewan Police Commission Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU) Saskatchewan Power Corporation Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation (SPMC) Saskatchewan Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council Saskatchewan Provincial Police Saskatchewan Registered Nurses' Association (SRNA) Saskatchewan Relief Commission Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) Saskatchewan River Saskatchewan Roughriders Saskatchewan School Boards Association Saskatchewan School Library Association (SSLA) Saskatchewan Schools: Early History Saskatchewan Science Centre Saskatchewan Soil Survey Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame and Museum Saskatchewan Summer School of the Arts Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) Saskatchewan Turkey Producers' Marketing Board (Sask Turkey) Saskatchewan Union of Nurses Saskatchewan Union of Nurses Strike Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association Saskatchewan War Brides Association Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Saskatchewan Women's Agricultural Network (SWAN) Saskatchewan Working Women (SWW) Saskatchewan Writers Guild Saskatoon Saskatoon Civic Dispute Saskatoon Council of Churches Saskatoon Gateway Players Saskatoon Jewish Foundation Saskatoon Light Infantry Saskatoon Multilingual School Saskatoon Police Service Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra Saskatoon Women's Calendar Collective (SWCC) Saskatoon-Battleford Trail SaskEnergy SaskFerco Products Inc. SaskMedia SaskOil SaskTel SaskTel Fibre Optics Sass, Robert (1937-) Saulteaux Saulteaux First Nation Saunders, Charles (1867-1937) Savage, Candace (1949-) Savage, Robert (1917-) Scandinavian Settlements Scarlett, Sam (d. 1941) Scheresky, Alvin (1930-) Schmeiser, Percy (1931-) Schmirler, Sandra (1963-2000) Schneider, William George (1915-) School Broadcasts and Telecasts School Governance School Libraries School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) Schoolplus Schools, Inclusion and Diversity Schools and Community Development Schudel, Thomas (1937-) Schulman, Ann L. (1941-2003) Schwann, Paul (1933-74) Science and Technology Scott Scott, Thomas Walter (1867-1938) Scottish Settlements Scrip Searle Grain Company Sebestyen, Edmund Alexander (1920-) Secondary Picketing Supreme Court Decision SEDCO / SOCO Sedgwick, Raymond (1914-97) Seifert, Lillian (1911-98) Semeniuk, George (1938-) Separate School Divisions Sergeant Bill Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Service Fransaskois d'Education des Adultes (Fransaskois Adult Education Service) 734 (Regina) and 737 (Saskatoon) Communication 77 Field Battery Seymour, Maurice Macdonald (1857- 1929) Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan Sharma, Rajendra Kumar (1942-) Sharon, Maurice William (1875- 1940) Sharp, J.W. (Bill) (1914-98) Shaunavon Shaw, Matt (1910-97) Sheep Farming and Industry Sheldon-Williams, Catherine (1869- 1949) Sheldon-Williams, Inglis (1870- 1940) |
Shellbrook Sheptytsky Institute Sherman, Marion (ca. 1909-88) Shillington, Edward Blain (1944-) Shiloh Assembly Church Shir Chadash Synagogue Shoal Lake First Nation Shokeir, Mohammed H.K. (1938-) Shore, Edward William (1902-85) Shorebirds Short Line Railways Shoyama, Thomas Kunito (1916-2006) Shrews Shri Lakshami Narayana Temple Shrikes Shumiatcher, Jacqui (1923-) Shumiatcher, Morris Cyril (1917- 2004) Siemens Transportation Sifton Family Sigerist Commission Siggins, Maggie (1942-) Sikhism Simard, Rose Marie Louise (1947-) Simmie, Lois (1932-) Simpson, Edith Child Rowles (1905- 97) Simpson, George (1787-1860) Simpson, George Wilfred (1893- 1969) Sinclair, Jim (1933-) Singer, Stacy (1977-) Sintaluta Sintaluta Case, The Sisters of Charity of Montreal (Grey Nuns) Sisters of Charity of St. Louis (SCSL) Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception (SCIC) Sisters of Loretto: Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (IBVM) Sisters of Mission Service (SMS) Sisters of Notre Dame d'Auvergne (SND) Sisters of Our Lady of Sion (NDS) Sisters of Our Lady of the Cross Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions (RNDM) Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul (SP) Sisters of Service (SOS) sisters of st. joseph of toronto Sisters of the Child Jesus Sisters of the Presentation of Mary (PM) Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate Sitting Bull (1836-90) 16th Medical Company 16th Mounted Rifles / 16th Light Horse 16th (Saskatchewan) Service Battalion 60 Battery (Aneroid, Saskatchewan) 64 Field Battery Slade, Arthur Gregory (1967-) Slinkard, Alfred Eugene (1931-). Small, William (1927-) Smishek, Walter Edmund (1925-) Smith, David Lawrence (1914-83) Smith, George (1926-) Smith, Joseph (fl. 1753-65) Smudging Snell, Herbert (1880-1932) Snow Roller Snowbirds 431 (Air Demonstration) Squadron Snyder, Gordon Taylor (1924-2005) Soccer Social Assistance Social Assistance Health Services Plan Social Credit Party Social Gospel Social Policy Social Work Sociology and Saskatchewan Development Sodium Sulphate Soil Conservation Soils Soldier Settlement Act Solomon, George C. (1913-94) Soo Line Railway Sorestad, Glen (1937-) Souris River South, Gordon A. (1912-) South Saskatchewan Regiment South Saskatchewan River Southern Rails Co-operative Southey Space Engineering Division (SED) Space Shuttle Experiment Spanish Influenza Epidemic Sparro Sparrows, Native Special Education Special Libraries Specialized Livestock Species at Risk Spence, Ahab (1911-2001) Spence, George (1880-1975) Spencer, Marguerita (Rita) (1892-1993) Spices and Industry Spiders Spinks, John William Tranter (1908- 97) Spiritwood Sports and Recreation in Saskatchewan - History Springside Sri Sathya Sai Baba Organization Sri Sri Rhadha Krishna Temple St. Joseph's College St. Peter's College, Muenster St. Thomas College, North Battleford St. Thomas More College St. Walburg Stained Glass Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation Stanley Mission Stapleford, Ernest W. (1874-1959) Stapleford, Maude (1884-1962) Staples, Rj (1904-72) Star City Starblanket, Noel (1946-) Starblanket First Nation Starlings Staseson, Gordon (1926-) State Hospital and Medical League Status of Women Office Steamboats Stechishin, Savella (1903-2002) Steele, Phyllis Lenore (1909-88) Steele, Samuel Benfield (1849-1919) Steele Narrows, Battle of Stegner, Wallace (1909-93) Stensrud, Howard J. (1927-) Steuart, David Gordon (1916-2010) Stevens, Terry (1936-) Stevenson, Lawrence H. (1915-98) Stevenson, Theresa (1926-) Stewart, Alan Carl (1893-1958) Stewart, John W.B. (1936-) Stomp Pork Farm Ltd. Stonechild, Neil Storer, Effie Laurie (1867-1948) Storey and Van Egmond Story, Gertrude (1929-) Stoughton Strasbourg Strum, Gladys (1906-) Stryjek, Dmytro (1899-1991) Student Activism Sturdy, John Henry (1893-1966) Sturgeon Lake First Nation Sturgis Subsurface Geological Laboratory Sudom, Anna Maye (1923-) Suknaski, Andrew (1942-) Summerfallow Sun Dance Sun-dogs (Parhelia, Mock Suns) Sures, Jack (1934-) Sutherland, George (fl. 1744-99) Sutter, Christian T. (1919-) Swallows Sweat-lodge Ceremony Swedish Settlements Sweeprite Manufacturing Sweet Grass First Nation Swift Current Swift Current Health Region Swimming Swine Industry Symons, Robert David (1898-1973) Synagogues Synthetic Sugar Szumigalski, Anne (1922-99) |
This web site was produced with financial assistance
provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. |
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan. |