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Jul 20, 1906 - Indian Treaty No. 10 was signed.
Dagnone, Antonio (1941-) Dairy Farming Dairy Industry Dakota / Lakota Dakota / Lakota Spirituality Dalmeny Dance Daniels, Harry W. (1940-2004) Danielson, Gustaf Herman (1883- 1971) Danish Settlements Danube Swabians Darling, James Andrew (1891-1979) Daughters of Providence (Les Filles de la Providence, FDLP) Davidson Davidson, Agnes (1900-96) Davies, William Gwynne (1916-99) Davin, Nicholas Flood (1840-1901) Davis, Ernest F.H. (1897-?) Davis, Thomas Clayton (1889-1960) Dawson, George Mercer (1849-1901) Day Star First Nation De Lint, Willem B.C. (1933-) De Pauw, Ronald (1944-) Decoteau, Alex (1887-1917) Deer Degelman, Wilfred (1930-) Deiter, Walter Perry (1914-88) Delisle Delury, Abigail (1868-1957) Denesuline (Dene) Denesuline Worldview Devine, Grant (1944-) Dewalt, Kevin (1957-) Dewar, Phyllis (1916-61) Dewdney, Edgar (1835-1916) Diamonds Dickson, Brian (1916-98) Diefenbaker, John George (1895- 1979) Dieppe Raid Dietrick, Lorne E. (1915-) Disability, Citizenship, and Public Policy |
Distance Education and Technology-enhanced Learning Dixon, Sophia (1900-94) Dmytruk, Peter (1920-43) Doctors' Strike Dog Sledding Dojack, Paul (1914-2007) Dominion Lands Act / Homestead Act Donaldson, Mary (1908-66) Donison Brothers: Lee (1928-), Danny (1932-), Sebastian “Butch” (1937-) Dorval, Onésime (1845-1932) Douglas, James Moffat (1839-1920) Douglas, John Taylor (1892-1976) Douglas, Shirley (1934-) Douglas, Thomas Clement (1904-86) Doukhobor Philosophy Doukhobor Settlement Doves and Pigeons Dowling, Donaldson Bogart (1858- 1925) Downey, Richard Keith (1927-) Dragonflies Drought Drug Plan Drummond, Thomas (1790-1835) Duck Family Duck Lake Duck Lake, Battle of Duck Mountain Dumont, Gabriel (1837-1906) Dumont, Madeleine (1840-86) Dumont Technical Institute Duncan, Joan Heather (1941-) Dundurn Dunning, Charles Avery (1885-1958) Duperreault, Marie-Anne (1885-1976) Dust Bowl Dust Storms Dutch Settlements Duwors, Maureen (1938-) Dyck, Lillian Eva (1945-) DYSART |
This web site was produced with financial assistance
provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. |
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan. |