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Jul 20, 1906 - Indian Treaty No. 10 was signed.
La Loche La Ronge Labour - Three Centuries of Working for Wages in Saskatchewan Labour and Equity-seeking Groups Labour and Politics Labour and the Courts Labour Councils and the Canadian Labour Congress Labour Legislation Labour Relations Board Lac la Ronge Lac la Ronge Indian Band Lafleche Lafond, Alphonsine (1926-2000) Lahrman, Frederick William (1921- 2003) Laird, David (1833-1914) Laird, Elmer (1924-) Lake, Sir Richard Stuart (1860-1950) Lake Athabasca Lake Diefenbaker Lamont, John Henderson (1865- 1936) Lampman Lancaster, Ron (1938-2008) Land Use Landa, Sam (1912-) Landslides Lane, John Gary (1942-) Lang, Otto Emil (1932-) Langan, Henry J., Sr. (1912-90) Langenburg Langham Langley, George (1852-1933) Language Institute Lanigan Larocque, Joseph Z. (1881-1964) Larre, Lucien (1933-) Lashburn Last Mountain Bird Observatory Last Mountain Lake Latimer, Robert (1953-) Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics Laubach, Frank (1857-1923) Laurie, Patrick Gammie (1833-1903) Lavallée, Mary Ann (1920-99) Law and Justice Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Law Society of Saskatchewan Lawrence, Thomas (1927-94) Lawson, Patricia (1929-) Le May Doan, Catriona (1970-) Leader League of Education Administrators, Directors and Superintendents (LEADS) Leaver, Eric William (1915-) Lebanese Community |
Lebret Ledingham, George Filson (1911-2006) Lee, Douglas A. (1926-) Legal Land Survey Legal Rights of Women Légaré, Jean-Louis (1841-1918) Legislation in Saskatchewan Lemberg Lenhardt, Molly (c. 1914-95) Leonard, William (1909-89) Leopold, John (1890-1958) Leoville Leroy Leslie, E.C. (1893-1978) Levee, Roy (1935-) Levine, Marilyn (1935-2005) Lewry, Louis H. (1919-92) Leyton-Brown, Howard (1918-) Leyton-Brown, Myrl (1921-) Liberal Party Libraries, First Nations and Métis Library Co-operation Lichens Lieutenant Colonel D.V. Currie, VC, Armoury Lieutenant-Governor Lilburn, Tim (1950-) Lindner, Ernst Friedrich (1897-1988) Lingenfelter, Dwain Matthew (1949-) Literature Little Black Bear First Nation Little Manitou Lake Little Pine First Nation Livestock Feed Industry Lizée, Yvonne (1899-1974) Lloyd, Woodrow Stanley (1913-72) Lloydminster Local History Lochhead, Ken (1926-) Lohans, Alison (1949-) Longman, Mary (1964-) Longmore, Rosalee (1952-) Loons Lorch Snowplane Lucas, Louise (1885-1945) Lucky Man Cree First Nation Lumsden Luseland Luther College, University of Regina Lutheran Church-Canada, Central District Lutheran Theological Seminary Luthi, Ernest (1906-83) Lyons, Clarence (1916-2004) |
This web site was produced with financial assistance
provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. |
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan. |