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Jul 20, 1997 - First Saskatchewan portion of Trans Canada Trail opened at Douglas Provincial Park. At 15 000 km, it will be the longest trail of its kind in the world.
Gabriel Dumont Institute Gallagher, Patricia Marie (1939-) Gallaway, Marguerite (1929-) Gardiner, James Garfield (1883- 1962) Gathercole, Frederick (1908-93) Gauley, David E. (1922-) Gay and Lesbian Activism Genereux, George (1935-89) Geographic Education and Research Geographical Memorial Tributes Geography of Saskatchewan Geology Geomatics George Gordon First Nation Gerein, Clayton (1964-) German Settlements Gerrard, John Watson (1916-) Gervais, Alice (1897-1996) Gerwing, Alphonse Mathias (1923-) Gibbings, Charles William (1916-) Gilbey, Bill (1911-90) Gillies, Clark (1954-) Gilroy, Doug (1915-2003) Gilroy, Marion (1912-1981) Girl Guides Gitzel, Tim (1962-) Gjesdal, Joseph Harvey (1922-) Glacial Deposition Glacial Erosion Glaciation Globe Theatre Gocki, Anthony J. (1900-87) Godwin, Ted (1933-) Gold Golden Jubilee Goldman, Dorothy (1904-96) Golf Goodale, Ralph Edward (1949-) Goodwill, Jean Cuthand (1928-97) Goplen, Henrietta (1932-) Gordon, Percival H. (1884-1975) |
Gosselin, Rosa (1890-1964) Goulet, Joanne (1935-) Goulet, Keith (1946-) Govan Government House “Grab-a-Hoe Indians” Graham, Marion Margaret (1903- 95) Grain Elevators Grain Growers' Grain Company Grain Handling and Transportation System Grain Services Union Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Grant, Gordon Burton (1910-2001) Grasses and Grasslands, Native Grasshoppers Grassick, James (1868-1956) Grasslands National Park Gravelbourg Great Depression Great Western Brewing Company Great Western Railway Grebes Greek Community Green Certificate Program Green, John (1915-2007) Green Lake Greensmith, Dorothy (ca. 1890- 1951) Greensmith, Dorothy (ca. 1890 - 1951). Greenwood Andrews, Nellie (1864- 1958) Grenfell Grey Owl (Archibald Stansfield Belaney) Greyeyes, David G. (1914-96) Greystone Managed Investments (GMI) Groome, Roland (1897-1935) Grouse and Allies Gruchy, Lydia E. (1894-1992) Gull Lake Gulls and Terns Gustin, Lyell (1895-1988) Guy, Allan Ray (1926-) Gzowski, Peter (1934-2002) |
This web site was produced with financial assistance
provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. |
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan. |