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Jul 20, 1997 - First Saskatchewan portion of Trans Canada Trail opened at Douglas Provincial Park. At 15 000 km, it will be the longest trail of its kind in the world.
Bahá'í Baker, Brenda (1959-) Baker, Everett (1893-1981) Baker, Harold R. (1927-) Baker, Henry Harold Peter (1915- 2004) Baker, Lucy (1836-1909) Baker, Mary (1918- 2003) Baker, William B. (1919-69) Baker, William George (1885-1960) Balcarres Baldwin, Mildred (1908-99) BALFOUR, (REGINALD) JAMES (1928-1999) Balgonie Ballantyne, Tom (1924-) Balogh, Mary (1944-) Baltzan, David Mortimer (1897- 1983) Baltzan, Marc A. (1929-2005) Bamford Fletcher, Joan (1918-79) Bands Bannatyne-Cugnet, Jo (1951-) Baptist General Conference Baptist Union of Western Canada Barber, Clarence Lyle (1917-2004) Barber, Lloyd (1932-2011) Barclay, Byrna (1940-) Bard, Frederick George (1908-89) Barley Barmby, Marjorie (1904-89) Barnardo Children Barootes, Efstathios William (1918- 2000) Barr Colony Barrier Ford Baseball Bastedo, Frank Lindsay (1886-1973) Basterfield, Steward (1884-1954) Batoche Bats Batten, Mary John (1921-) Battleford Battleford Light Infantry Battleford-Red Deer Forks Trail Battleford-Swift Current Trail Bear, Angus (1907-88) Beardy's and Okemasis First Nation Beaupré, édouard (1881-1904) Beauval Beaver Lumber Beef Farming Beef Industry Beekeeping Beetles Begamudré, Ven (1956-) Begg, Robert William (1914-82) BELANGER, BUCKLEY (1960-) Belcher, Margaret (1920-2003) Bell, Carol Gay Bell, John Milton (Milt) (1922-98) BELL, GEORGE ALEXANDER (1856- 1927) Bellegarde Bellegarde, Perry (1962-) Belted Kingfisher Benedictines of St. Peter's Abbey (OSB) Bengough Benjamin, Leslie Gordon (1925- 2003) Bennett Buggy BENSON, JACOB ("JAKE") (1892- 1987) Bentham, Douglas (1947-) Bentley Brothers: Douglas (1916- 72), Maxwell
(1920-84) BENTLEY, THOMAS J. (1891-1983) Bergthaler Mennonite Church Berting, Jacqueline (1967-) Berzensky, Steven M. (Mick Burrs) (1940-) Beth Jacob Jewish Community Bethany College Beug, Lorne (1948-) Bible Schools and Colleges Bienfait Big Bear First Nation Big Bear (mistahi-maskwa) (ca. 1825- 88) "Big Dig" Big Island Lake First Nation (Joseph Big Head) Big Muddy Valley Big River Big River Cree First Nation Big Sky Farms Biggar Bilingualism Bill 2 Binks, Sarah Binnie-Clark, Georgina (1871-1947) Biodiversity |
Biodiversity Action Plan Biofiltration Water Treatment System Bioriginal Foods Biotechnology Biphasixtm Birch Hills Birch Narrows Dene First Nation Bird, Dick (1892-1986) and Ada (1917- 2003) Birds Birdsell, Sandra (1942-) Bison Black, Donald W. (1947-) Black Lake Denesuline First Nation Blackbirds Blacks: Early Settlements Blacks: Recent Immigration Blaine Lake Blair, Allan Walker (1900-48) Blake, Joyce (1931-) Blakeney, Allan E. (1925-2011) Blakiston, Thomas Wright (1832-91) Blondeau, Melanie (Malaneh) (1866- ca. 1932) Bloore, Ron (1925-) Blue, Grace E. (1891-1992) Boer War Bold Eagle Boldt, Arnold (1957-) Bolen, Mel (1947-) Bonneau, Solomon (1888-1976) Bornstein, Eli (1922-) Bothwell, George R. (1916-96) Bothwell, Jessie Robson (1883-1971) Boucher, John B. Boulder Monuments Boulton's Scouts Boundaries of Saskatchewan Boundary Survey Trail Boundary Surveys Bourgault Industries Bowen, Gail (1942-) Bowman, Lillie
(1894-1969) Boyer, Bob (1948-2004) Brabant Lake Bradley, Judy Llewellyn (1952-) Bradshaw, John Ernest (1866-1917) Brady, James
Patrick (1908-67?) Brandt, Elisabeth H. (1922-99) Brandt Industries Limited Brass, Eleanor (1905-92) Brass, Oliver Johnston (1944-97) Bredenbury Breitkreuz, Garry W. (1945-) Brewing and Fermentation Brewster, Elizabeth (1922-) Bridges Briercrest Schools British Commonwealth Air Training Plan Broadview Brockelbank, John Hewgill (1897- 1977) Bronfman Family Brown, George William (1860-1919) Brown, Jacob A. (1926-92) Brown, Larry (1948-) Brown Creeper Browne, Jean Elizabeth (1885-1973) Bruno Bryant, James Fraser (1877-1945) B-Say-Tah Buckle, Walter C. (1886-1955) Buckwold, Sidney L. (1916-2001) Budd, Henry (1812-75) Buffalo Narrows Buffalo River Dene First Nation Bugs (Hemiptera) Buller, Annie (1896-1973) Bulyea, George (1859-1929) Bunnie, Samuel (1945-2004) Buntings and Allies Burak, William James (1905-76) Burgess, Mary Ellen (1895-1984) Burstall Bush Pilots Bushell, Christopher (1914-41) Bushell Park Business and Professional Women's Clubs Butala, Sharon (1940-) Butt, Brent (1966-) Butterflies and Moths Butters, M. Isabelle (1929-) Butterworth, Marjorie Sinclair (1902-2004) Byers, Barbara (1951-) |
This web site was produced with financial assistance
provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. |
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan. |