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Jul 20, 1906 - Indian Treaty No. 10 was signed.
MacEwan, Grant (1902-2000) MacKay, Angus (1840-1931) MacKay, Harold (1940-) MacKenzie, Chalmers Jack (1888- 1984) MacKenzie Art Gallery MacKenzie Infant Care Centre MacKinnon, Janice (1947-) Macklin MacLachlan, Ethel (1875-1963) MacLean, Donald (1877-1947) MacLean, Hugh (1878-1958) MacLeod, John (1940-) MacLeod, Wendell (1905-2001) MacMillan Bloedel MacMurchy, Gordon (1926-2005) Macoun Macoun, John (1831-1920) MacPherson, Murdoch Alexander (1891-1966) Mah, Jeannie (1952-) Maharg, John Archibald (1872- 1944) Maidstone Makahonuk, Glen (1951-97) Maki, David Michael (1944-) Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation Malhotra, Lalita (1941-) Malone, Edward Cyril (Ted) (1937-) Malting Industry Mammals Mandatory Mediation Mandel, Eli (1922-92) Manitou Beach Maple Creek Marchildon, Arthur (1920-96) Margoshes, Dave (1941-) Marshall Martensville Martin, Agnes (1912-2004) Martin, William Melville (1876-1970) Matador Farming Pool and the Co-operative Farm Movement Maternity Homes Matheson, Elizabeth (1866-1958) Matthews, Vincent Leon (1922-88) McCann, Peter McCargar, William (1906-80) McConnell, Howard (1886-1957) McConnell, Richard George (1857- 1942) McCourt, Edward (1907-72) McCusker, Emmet Andrew (1890- 1973) McDonald, Alexander Hamilton (1919-80) McDougall, Mederic Zephirin (1903- 89) McDowell, Stirling (1931-2002) McEwen, Clifford Mackay (1896- 1967) McFarlane, Douglas (1918-99) McGill, Frances (1882-1959) McGill, Ruth Switzer (1909-74) McIntosh, C. Irwin (1926-88) McIntosh, Lachlan Fraser (1897- 1962) McIntyre, David L. (1950-) McKay, Art (1926-2000) McKay, James (1828-79) McKercher, Margaret L. (1929-) McKerracher, Donald Griffith (1909- 70) McKinnon, Eleanor (1912-2004) McKnight, William Hunter (1940-) McLaren, Lorne Aubrey (1928-) McLean, Grant (1921-2002) McLeod, Henry Wallace (1917-44) McLeod, Ida (1920-82) McLeod, John McLeod, John R. (1922-80) McLeod, Thomas H. (1918-) McMaster, Gerald (1953-) McMillan, Ivan (1911-2002) McNab, Archibald Peter (1864-1945) McNab, Hilliard (1916-90) McNaughton, Andrew George Latta (1887-1966) McNaughton, Violet Clara (1879- 1968) McPhail, Alexander James (1883- 1931) McVicar, Ivy (1907-) M-DNA Meadow Lake Meath Park Media: Newspapers, Television and Radio Medicare Meewasin Valley Authority Melenchuk, James Williams (1953-) Melfort Melville Mendel, Fred S. (1888-1976) Mendel Art Gallery Mennonite Central Committee Saskatchewan (MCCS) Mennonite Church Saskatchewan Mennonite Settlements Mennonites |
Mental Health Services Messer, John Rissler (1941-) Meteorite Discoveries Meteorology Métis and Non-status Indian Legal Issues Métis Communities Métis Culture and Language Métis Education Métis Farms Métis History Métis Nation-Saskatchewan Métis Women Michalenko, Johanna (1910-) Microbio Rhizogen Corporation Midale Middleton, Frederick Dobson (1825- 98) Midha, Kamal Kishore (1941-) Milestone Milgaard, David (1952-) Military History of Saskatchewan Militia Milk Control Board Millar Western Millard, Peter (1932-2001) Miller, Thomas (1876-1945) Milling Milne, Courtney (1943-) Mineral Detection Mineral Resources Miners, Victoria “Tory” (1888-1956) Minifie, James Macdonald (1900-74) Mining Missouri Coteau Mistawasis First Nation Mistusinne Mitchell, Charles Stuart (1909-86) Mitchell, John (1897-1955) Mitchell, Joni (1943-) Mitchell, Ken (1940-) Mitchell, Marjorie (1948-83) Mitchell, W.O. (1914-98) Mitchell Family Mollard, J.D. (1924-) Molloy, Tom (1883-1959) Montreal Lake Cree Nation Moodie, Geraldine (1854-1945) Moore, Kenneth Strath (1910-1982) Moose Jaw Moose Jaw Police Service Moose Mountain Moosomin Moosomin First Nation Moran, Patrick Joseph (1925-) Morin, Gerald (1961-) Morris, George H. (1904-89) Morris Industries Morris Rodweeder Strike Morrison, Frances (1918-) Morse Morton, Arthur Silver (1870-1945) Morton, Doug (1926-2004) Mosquito, Grizzly Bear's Head, Lean Man First Nations Moss, Gwenna (1937-) Mossbank Mossing, Robert Lynn (1936-) Motherwell, Catherine Gillespie (1866-1952) Motherwell, William Richard (1860- 1943) Motherwell Homestead Mott, Frederick Dodge (1904-81) Mueller, Margaret (1942-) Mulcaster, Wynona (1915-) Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan Multicultural Education Multi-faith Forum, Regina Multilingual Association of Regina Municipal Doctor System Municipal Road Network Municipal System in Saskatchewan Munroe, Hugh Edwin (1878-1947) Murray, Athol (1892-1975) Murray, Christina (1866-1947) Murray, Gertrude (1912-) Murray, Robert (1936-) Murray, Robert G. (1917-2003) Murray, Walter Charles (1866-1945) Murray Commission Report, 1988-90 Muscowpetung First Nation Music Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Muskoday First Nation Muskowekwan First Nation Muslims Mustard Myles, Margaret Fraser (1892-1988) |
This web site was produced with financial assistance
provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. |
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan. |