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Jul 20, 1906 - Indian Treaty No. 10 was signed.
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Andreychuk, Raynell (1944-) Armstrong, Grace (ca. 1867-1960) Atkinson, Isabel (1891-1968) Atkinson, Patricia (1952-) Baker, Lucy (1836-1909) Bamford Fletcher, Joan (1918-79) Barmby, Marjorie (1904-89) Belcher, Margaret (1920-2003) Binnie-Clark, Georgina (1871-1947) Blondeau, Melanie (Malaneh) (1866- ca. 1932) Blue, Grace E. (1891-1992) Bowman, Lillie
(1894-1969) Bradley, Judy Llewellyn (1952-) Brass, Eleanor (1905-92) Business and Professional Women's Clubs Butters, M. Isabelle (1929-) Caldwell, Jessie (1901-90) Cameron, Elizabeth (1875-1959) Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Canadian Girls in Training Capeling-Alakija, Sharon (1944- 2003) Carter, Mary Yvonne (1923-2010) Chabot, Irène (1930-) Chase, Lillian (ca. 1894-1987) Councils of Women Crofford, Joanne Sharon (1947-) Cruickshank, Elizabeth (1895-1989) Davidson, Agnes (1900-96) Delury, Abigail (1868-1957) Dixon, Sophia (1900-94) Douglas, Shirley (1934-) Dumont, Madeleine (1840-86) Duperreault, Marie-Anne (1885-1976) Dyck, Lillian Eva (1945-) Elizabeth Fry Society of Saskatchewan Feminism: Consciousness and Activism Since the 1960s First Nations Women in Saskatchewan Fournier, Marguerite (1919-2000) Fournier, Pearl (1907-82) Gilroy, Marion (1912-1981) Girl Guides Goldman, Dorothy (1904-96) Gosselin, Rosa (1890-1964) Graham, Marion Margaret (1903- 95) Greensmith, Dorothy (ca. 1890- 1951) Greensmith, Dorothy (ca. 1890 - 1951). Greenwood Andrews, Nellie (1864- 1958) Gruchy, Lydia E. (1894-1992) Halfe, Louise (1953-) Hamilton, Doreen Ellen (1951-) Hanway, Mabel (1893-1968) Harris, Margaret (1921-2006) Henry, Emma (1881-1968) Hnatyshyn, Helen (1909-93) Hoag, Jackie (1911-2000) Hollis, Annie (1871-1941) Homemakers' Clubs and Women's Institutes Immigrant, Refugee, and Visible Minority Women of Saskatchewan (IRVM) Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) Jaques, Edna (1891-1978) Knight, Leith (1924-) Lafond, Alphonsine (1926-2000) Legal Rights of Women |
Lizée, Yvonne (1899-1974) Lucas, Louise (1885-1945) McGill, Frances (1882-1959) McGill, Ruth Switzer (1909-74) McKinnon, Eleanor (1912-2004) McNaughton, Violet Clara (1879- 1968) McVicar, Ivy (1907-) Métis Women Michalenko, Johanna (1910-) Moodie, Geraldine (1854-1945) Morrison, Frances (1918-) Moss, Gwenna (1937-) Motherwell, Catherine Gillespie (1866-1952) Murray, Christina (1866-1947) Neatby, Hilda (1904-75) Olson, Louise (ca. 1903-98) Organized Farm Women in the WGG, the UFC, the SFU, and the NFU Oxner, Bertha (1885-1960) Papen, Marie-Antoinette (1907-89) Petterson, Ida M. (1912-99) Pezer, Vera (1939-) Potter Clubb, Sally (1917-92) Religion and “Non-Aboriginal” Women in Saskatchewan Riel, Sara (1848-83) Robinson, Marguerite E. (ca. 1902- 75) Rocan, Mary (1913-2004) Saskatchewan War Brides Association Saskatchewan Women's Agricultural Network (SWAN) Saskatoon Women's Calendar Collective (SWCC) Sheldon-Williams, Catherine (1869- 1949) Sherman, Marion (ca. 1909-88) Shumiatcher, Jacqui (1923-) Spencer, Marguerita (Rita) (1892-1993) Stapleford, Maude (1884-1962) Status of Women Office Stechishin, Savella (1903-2002) Stevenson, Theresa (1926-) Storer, Effie Laurie (1867-1948) Strum, Gladys (1906-) Taylor, Tillie (1922-) Timlin, Mabel (1891-1976) Tkachuk, Mary (1912-2003) Trew, Beatrice Janet (1897-1976) Turpel-Lafond, Mary Ellen (1963-) Voice of Women Walker, Helena B. (Beatrice) (1887- 1963) Walker, Marjorie (c. 1902-76) Waygood, Kathryn B. (1944-) Wheeler, Bernelda Winona (1937-2005) Wheeler, Winona L. (1958-) Woman Suffrage Women and Agriculture Women and Politics Since the 1970s Women and Politics: Post-suffrage to the 1970s Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan Inc. (WE) Women in Sports Women of Saskatchewan - Historical Overview Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) Women's Health Women's Movement, 1970-2004 Women's Musical Club of Regina Women's Musical Club of Saskatoon Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) |
This web site was produced with financial assistance
provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. |
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan. |