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 Jul 20, 1997 - First Saskatchewan portion of Trans Canada Trail opened at Douglas Provincial Park. At 15 000 km, it will be the longest trail of its kind in the world.

Aboriginal (First Nations and Metis)

Theme Essays related to this Subject

Aboriginal Artists, Contemporary Aboriginal Artists, Traditional Aboriginal Education Aboriginal Education Policy Aboriginal Fishing Rights Aboriginal Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan Aboriginal Health Aboriginal Hunting Rights Aboriginal Justice Aboriginal Languages Aboriginal Media Aboriginal Peoples and the World Wars Aboriginal Peoples of Saskatchewan Aboriginal Population Trends Aboriginal Reserve Agriculture to 1900 Aboriginal Spiritual Healing Lodge Aboriginal Theatre Aboriginal Treaty Rights Aboriginal Veterans Aboriginal Writers Acoose, Paul (1885-1978) Ahenakew, David (1933-) Ahenakew, Edward (1885-1961) Ahenakew, Freda (1932-2011) Ahtahkakoop (c. 1816-96) Ahtahkakoop First Nation Almighty Voice (1875-97) Arcand, John (1942-) Batoche Beardy's and Okemasis First Nation Bellegarde, Perry (1962-) Big Bear First Nation Big Bear (mistahi-maskwa) (ca. 1825- 88) Big Island Lake First Nation (Joseph Big Head) Big River Cree First Nation Birch Narrows Dene First Nation Black Lake Denesuline First Nation Brady, James Patrick (1908-67?) Brass, Eleanor (1905-92) Brass, Oliver Johnston (1944-97) Buffalo River Dene First Nation Canoe Lake First Nation Carry the Kettle First Nation Chacachas First Nation Chakastapaysin First Nation Chartier, Clément (1946-) Claxton, Dana (1959-) Clearwater River Dene Band Cote First Nation Cowessess First Nation Cree Cree Cosmology Crowe, Roland (1943-) Cumberland House First Nation Cummings, Nora (1938-) Dakota / Lakota Daniels, Harry W. (1940-2004) Day Star First Nation Decoteau, Alex (1887-1917) Deiter, Walter Perry (1914-88) Denesuline (Dene) Dumont, Gabriel (1837-1906) English River First Nation Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) First Nations Bank of Canada First Nations Economic Development First Nations Governance First Nations Intergovernmental Relations First Nations Land Claims First Nations Religion: Overview Fishing Lake First Nation Flying Dust First Nation Fond du Lac Denesuline First Nation George Gordon First Nation Goulet, Keith (1946-) Hatchet Lake Denesuline Nation (Lac la Hache) Indian Policy and the Early Reserve Period Island Lake Band (Ministikwan Indian Reserve) Jackson, Tom (1948-) James Smith Cree Nation Kahkewistahaw Band Kawacatoose First Nation Keeseekoose First Nation Lac la Ronge Indian Band Larocque, Joseph Z. (1881-1964) Lavallée, Mary Ann (1920-99) Little Black Bear First Nation Little Pine First Nation Longman, Mary (1964-) Lucky Man Cree First Nation Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation McMaster, Gerald (1953-) Métis and Non-status Indian Legal Issues Métis Communities Métis Culture and Language Métis Education Métis Farms Métis History Métis Nation-Saskatchewan Métis Women Mistawasis First Nation Montreal Lake Cree Nation Moore, Kenneth Strath (1910-1982) Moosomin First Nation Morin, Gerald (1961-) Mosquito, Grizzly Bear's Head, Lean Man First Nations Muscowpetung First Nation Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Muskoday First Nation Muskowekwan First Nation Nakota (Assiniboine) Nekaneet Cree First Nation Non-status Indians Norris, Malcolm (1900-67) North-West Resistance North-West Resistance and First Nations Ocean Man First Nation Ochapowace First Nation Office of the Treaty Commissioner Okanese Reserve One Arrow First Nation Onion Lake First Nation Opekokew, Delia Pasqua (1828-89) Pasqua First Nation Peepeekisis First Nation Pelican Lake First Nation Peter Ballantyne Cree First Nation Peter Chapman First Nation Pheasant's Rump Nakota First Nation Piapot (1816-1908) Piapot Cree First Nation Poundmaker (c. 1842-86) Poundmaker Cree First Nation Pratt, Charles Cowley (1816-88) Red Earth First Nation Red Pheasant First Nation Reserves, Urban Riel, Louis “David” (1844-85) Sakimay First Nation Sanderson, Sol Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies Saulteaux Saulteaux First Nation Scrip Shoal Lake First Nation Sinclair, Jim (1933-) Sitting Bull (1836-90) Standing Buffalo Dakota First Nation Starblanket, Noel (1946-) Starblanket First Nation Sturgeon Lake First Nation Sweet Grass First Nation The Key First Nation Tootoosis, Gordon (1941-2011) Tootoosis, John Baptiste (1899- 1989) Traditional Ecological Knowledge Treaty 10 Treaty 4 Treaty 5 Treaty 6 Treaty 8 Trotchie, Clarence (1923-87) Urban Aboriginal Population Urban Reserves Wahpeton Dakota Reserve Wanuskewin Heritage Park Waterhen Lake First Nation White Bear First Nation Whitecap Dakota First Nation Witchekan Lake First Nation Wood Mountain Dakota First Nation Yellow Quill First Nation Young Chipeewayan First Nation (Stony Knoll)
This web site was produced with financial assistance
provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan.
University of Regina Government of Canada Government of Saskatchewan Canadian Plains Research Center
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de
Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan.