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Jul 20, 1905 - The Saskatchewan Act, creating the new Province of Saskatchewan, received royal assent.
Theme Essays related to this Subject
Aboriginal Health Ahmad, Nahid (1941-) Air Ambulance Altschul, Rudolph (1901-63) Anderson, Mathias S. (1882-1974) Baltzan, David Mortimer (1897- 1983) Baltzan, Marc A. (1929-2005) Barootes, Efstathios William (1918- 2000) Begg, Robert William (1914-82) Blair, Allan Walker (1900-48) Browne, Jean Elizabeth (1885-1973) Burak, William James (1905-76) Calder, James Franklin Archibald (1913-88) Campbell, Angus (1917-2002) Catholic Health Care Cenaiko, Frederick T. (1926-) Chiropractors' Association Cipywnyk, Dmytro (1927-2003) Cohen, Saul (1921-2008) College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan Community Clinics Complementary / Alternative Medicine Consumer and Doctor-sponsored Medical Care Associations Dagnone, Antonio (1941-) Doctors' Strike Drug Plan Ellis, Kathleen Wilhelmina (1887- 1968) Fedoroff, Sergey (1925-) Ferguson, Robert George (1883- 1964) Fyke, Kenneth J. (1940-) Fyke Commission, 2000-01 Gerrard, John Watson (1916-) Goodwill, Jean Cuthand (1928-97) Hassett, Yvonne Joan (1933-) Health, Determinants of Health Care Health Economics Health Services Planning Commission, 1944-50 High-energy Cancer Treatment Hjertaas, Orville K. (1917-98) Hodgson, Christine Wilna (1935- 2003) Horlick, Louis (1921-) Horlick, Ruth (1919-) Hospital Auxiliaries Hospital Services Plan Hospitals Houston, Clarence J. (1900-86) Hunt, Talmage Evelyn (1921-2004) Interdepartmental Committee on Medicare, 1959 Jaques, Louis B. (1911-97) Johns, Harold Elford (1915-) Johnstone, Annie (1899-1994) Kendel, Dennis (1946-) Kumar, Krishna (1931-) Landa, Sam (1912-) |
MacLean, Hugh (1878-1958) MacLeod, Wendell (1905-2001) Malhotra, Lalita (1941-) Maternity Homes Matheson, Elizabeth (1866-1958) Matthews, Vincent Leon (1922-88) McCusker, Emmet Andrew (1890- 1973) McKerracher, Donald Griffith (1909- 70) Medicare Mental Health Services Midha, Kamal Kishore (1941-) Mott, Frederick Dodge (1904-81) Municipal Doctor System Murray, Robert G. (1917-2003) Murray Commission Report, 1988-90 Myles, Margaret Fraser (1892-1988) Northup, Anna (1889-1977) Plains Health Centre, Regina Psychiatric Nursing Rajput, Ali Hussain (1934-) Rao, Kris (1932-2000) Red Cross Outpost Hospitals Regionalization of Health Romanow Commission, 2001-2002 Royal University Hospital Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Saskatchewan Dental Plan Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Saskatchewan Health Survey, 1949- 51 Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit (SPHERU) Saskatchewan Registered Nurses' Association (SRNA) Saskatchewan Union of Nurses Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association Schulman, Ann L. (1941-2003) Seymour, Maurice Macdonald (1857- 1929) Sharma, Rajendra Kumar (1942-) Shokeir, Mohammed H.K. (1938-) Sigerist Commission Smith, David Lawrence (1914-83) Social Assistance Health Services Plan Spanish Influenza Epidemic State Hospital and Medical League Steele, Phyllis Lenore (1909-88) Swift Current Health Region Taylor, Malcolm Gordon (1915-94) Thompson Committee (1960-62) Tuberculosis Control Union Hospital and Municipal Hospital Care Plans Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) Valens, John Alexander (1873-1955) Veterinary Medicine Western College of Veterinary Medicine Wolfe, Sam (1923-93) Wyant, Gordon (1914-) |
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provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan. |
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan. |