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Co-operative Organizations, Legislation Relating to

Legislation providing for the incorporation of Co-operatives dates back to 1930. The co-operative movement in Saskatchewan began to gain momentum in the 1920s, and it was deemed that legislation to facilitate the self-help goals of people with mutual economic and social interests was desirable. Unlike the United States, there was virtually no tradition in Saskatchewan, or indeed in Canada, of unincorporated co-operative organizations. Thus, the advent of law allowing independent corporate status to Co-operatives marked the beginning of the major development of co-operatives in the province. There were numerous acts which provided the necessary legal machinery to incorporate co-operatives. They can be divided into three categories.

The first category of legislation was designed to enable and regulate co-operatives engaged in many general economic activities. The most general of these acts was the Co-operative Associations Act; and the slightly more focused were the Co-operative Marketing Association Act and, later, the Co-operative Production Associations Act. Ultimately these three acts were folded into one: the Co-operative Associations Act.

The second category of co-operative legislation was directed to financial co-operatives, primarily credit unions. These included the Credit Union Act and the Co-operative Guarantee Act. The Credit Union Act, in addition to enabling the incorporation of credit unions, contained a high degree of regulatory provisions appropriate to control organizations which were the trustees of peoples' savings. The earlier general co-operative legislation was also quite regulatory compared to current-day legislation, but still fell far short of the control mechanisms in credit union legislation, which is similar to banking legislation.

The third category of Saskatchewan co-operative legislation was composed of acts passed to incorporate specific co-operatives. Saskatchewan passed more specific co-operative legislation than any other province; the most notable of this category was legislation to specifically incorporate the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool and Federated Co-operatives. Other examples include an Act to Incorporate Canadian Co-operative Implements Ltd. and the Consumer's Co-operative Refineries Act.

The activity of the Saskatchewan legislature surrounding co-operatives in the past seventy-five years has been impressive. It was the result both of responding to the needs and desires of the people of Saskatchewan, and of the government of the province taking a leadership role in the encouragement and development of co-operatives.

Dan Ish

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This web site was produced with financial assistance
provided by Western Economic Diversification Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan.
University of Regina Government of Canada Government of Saskatchewan Canadian Plains Research Center
Ce site Web a été conçu grâce à l'aide financière de
Diversification de l'économie de l'Ouest Canada et le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan.