Sakundiak, Peter (1922-)

Peter Sakundiak's contributions to the agricultural implement industry, particularly the grain auger produced by his company since 1948, have simplified the handling of grain for farmers across the country. Born in 1922 in Mikado, Saskatchewan, Peter Sakundiak grew up on his family farm. At the age of 18, he moved to Regina, and worked on his brother's farm for several years. In 1948, he formed Sakundiak Farm Equipment and in a small shop began manufacturing a disc harrow designed by his brother Alex; but owing to rising costs and space limitations, production was short-lived. In 1949, at a farmer's request, Sakundiak manufactured a grain auger, an invention which appeared in the 1940s but was not readily available. It proved a popular item, and Sakundiak's growing company moved to the family farm in 1955. Through the 1960s and 1970s Peter Sakundiak continued to improve the design of his augers, which enjoyed constant demand throughout the grain-producing prairies. Moving to a larger facility in Regina in 1974, the company also began manufacturing grain bins. Sakundiak, a member of Farm Equipment Manufacturer's Association since 1989 and Prairie Implement Manufacturers since 1975, is an implement manufacturer whose products have benefited prairie farmers for over half a century.

Raymond Ambrosi