Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO)

Originally known as the Veterinary Infectious Disease Organization, VIDO was established at the University of Saskatchewan in 1975 to carry out practical research on the common Canadian infectious diseases of livestock. It was established with a grant provided by the Devonian Group of Charitable Foundations of Calgary, and with supplementary funding from the provincial governments of Alberta and Saskatchewan, the University, and subsequently a great many livestock and poultry organizations. VIDO represented a new and unique model for funding practical goal-oriented research, and established an international reputation by developing several new vaccines to prevent neonatal diarrhea, or scours, in newborn calves (Vicogen, Ecostar, Ecostar 2RC); Haemophilus somnus infection of cattle (Somnu-Star and Somu-Star Ph); shipping fever pneumonia in cattle (Pneumo-Star); pneumonia in pigs (Pleuro-Star); and adenovirus infection in turkeys (Hevlan-TC). It also developed new management and disease prevention programs for cattle and swine. In 2003, VIDO changed its name and opened an expansion to its building that now provides 80,000 square feet of ultramodern laboratory space for a staff of 145 researchers. It uses the most modern research tools of genomics and bioinformatics to develop new vaccines and vaccine delivery technology.

Stephen Acres