Shir Chadash Synagogue

Congregation Shir Chadash (“New Song”) is a conservative and egalitarian synagogue, established in Saskatoon in March 2000. The Congregation, although small, quickly became a close-knit, congregational family dedicated to kavanah (spiritual feeling) under the leadership of Rabbi Steven J. Kaplan. The cantor for Shir Chadash is Dr. Allan Dolovich.

Approximately fifty families founded Congregation Shir Chadash. It has a cemetery within Saskatoon's Woodlawn Cemetery. Hebrew School and conversational Hebrew language classes are available for children, youths and adults. Congregation Shir Chadash has active Hadassah-WIZO and Sisterhood organizations, as well as a newsletter called Kol Echad (“One Voice”). The annual community kosher Passover Seder has been celebrated since Shir Chadash began, and has become one of its signature events. Congregants break the Yom Kippur fast together, and observe Sukkot (Festival of Tabernacles) with meals served in the community sukkah.

Linda Epstein