
The Saskatchewan Educational Communications Corporation, known as SaskMedia Corporation, was established on July 23, 1974. Its goal was to expand provincial educational media resources (16 mm films, video programs, audio programs, media kits) through purchase, development, production, duplication and distribution activities; to provide public access to educational media materials; and to enhance rural educational opportunities through media technology. To this end, the corporation was involved in purchasing duplication rights to certain approved educational programs; developing and producing programs for a variety of government departments and agencies involved in public education such as Education, Health, Agriculture and others; providing duplication services of audio and video programs to enable schools to build their own media resource collections; and distributing the 16 mm film collection through its loan service to clients. Over the years, a number of SaskMedia productions were broadcast within Saskatchewan, in Ontario, as well as across western Canada in co-operation with the Saskatchewan school broadcasts. SaskMedia received a number of awards for its productions, such as the Award of Merit from the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada, and the Certificate of Honourable Mention for Distinguished Service to the Mentally Retarded Through Sports, from the Kennedy Foundation in the United States. Following a change in government, SaskMedia was closed on March 31, 1983.

Leanne Miles