Midha, Kamal Kishore (1941-)

Dr. Kamal Midha and Dr. Gordon McKay operate a new hybrid mass spectrometer in March 1988.
University of Saskatchewan Archives, Division of Audio-Visual Services A-10600

Kamal Kishore Midha was born at Kamalia, India, on October 26, 1941. He received his PhD from the University of Alberta in 1969 and his DSc from the University of Saskatchewan in 1985. An internationally recognized authority on issues of bioavailability, bioequivalence, bioanalysis, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, he is best known for his groundbreaking research into the drug treatment strategies for psychotic and schizophrenic patients. As coordinator of an MRC Program Grant, his group attracted more than $6 million from granting agencies and industry. In May 2000 the group formed a not-for profit-research institute, Pharmalytics Inc., now located in Innovation Place, Saskatoon.

Midha holds Adjunct Professor positions in the Department of Academic Family Medicine and in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan. As a Full Professor in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition from 1979 to 1995, he and his colleagues founded the Drug Metabolism Drug Disposition research group. He has authored or co-authored 300 scientific articles and book chapters. Dr. Midha has received eight major awards, including the Kolthoff Gold Medal Award from the American Pharmaceutical Association in 1989. In 1994 he received the Distinguished Researcher Award from the University of Saskatchewan, and in 1995 was named a Member of the Order of Canada.

Gordon McKay