Kramer, Eiling (1914-99)

Eiling Kramer, October 1980.
Don Healy (Regina Leader-Post)

Kramer was born July 14, 1914, in Highworth where he completed school. He worked a variety of jobs before purchasing a ranch in the area and began raising cattle. In 1949, he formed a successful auctioneering business. During the 1930s, Kramer became active in the United Farmers of Canada and in the Farmer-Labor Party/CCF from its inception. He was CCF organizer of northwestern Saskatchewan in 1946 and helped organize the Saskatchewan Farmers Union in 1950. He was elected SFU vice-president in 1951 and served until his election to the Legislature in 1952. Kramer was elected to represent the Battlefords where he would be re-elected seven times. Woodrow Lloyd appointed him Minister of Natural Resources in 1962. After the CCF defeat in 1964, Kramer was the Opposition critic of the government's highway policy. In 1971, Kramer was again appointed to Cabinet and served as one of Allan Blakeney's key advisors on rural Saskatchewan. He assumed the portfolio of Natural Resources until he was moved to Highways and Transportation in 1972, in which position he remained until his retirement in 1980. During his term, the department undertook some of the greatest capital expenditures in its history, nearly completing the paving of the provincial highway system. Kramer retired from politics in 1980, settling in North Battleford. He relocated to Regina shortly before his death on May 5, 1999.

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