English River First Nation

This reserve emerged from the signing of Treaty 10 on August 28, 1906, under Chief William Apisis. Prior to and succeeding treaty, the economy revolved around the fur trade, but later turned to commercial fishing. The band's name originates from the area in which the Poplar House People resided seasonally, for instance when treaty payments were made; it was also known as the Grassy Narrows Reserve. The people of the English River Band chose land around the lakes to be assured of wildlife, fish, and thick vegetation. There are seven different reserves registered under the Chipewyan- speaking English River Band. These include La Plonge, Wapachewunak (the most populated reserve site), Ile-à-la-Crosse, Elak Dase, Knee Lake, Dipper Rapids, and Primeau Lake. All are found in the far northern region of Saskatchewan and make up a total of 17,509.5 ha. They have a current population of 1,277 band members, with 663 people living on reserve. The economy is based on trapping, fishing, agriculture, tourism, and forestry; the community infrastructure includes a store, post office, arena, RCMP office, clinic, airport, youth centre, schools, teacherages, a band office, arena, band hall, fire hall, and numerous community maintenance structures.

Christian Thompson