Bradley, Judy Llewellyn (1952-)

Judy Bradley, March 2001.
Don Healy (Regina Leader-Post)

Born in Regina on October 18, 1952, Judy Bradley (née Bratt) grew up on the family farm in the Milestone-Gray area. She earned a BSc and a BEd from the University of Regina, taught biology at Sheldon Williams Collegiate in Regina, and later returned to Milestone to teach elementary and special education. In 1973 she married Gary Bradley, a farmer and carpenter, with whom she has three children. Bradley was elected in Bengough-Milestone in the 1991 general election, and re-elected in 1995 to represent the newly redistributed riding of Weyburn-Big Muddy. In 1997 she was appointed Minister of Highways and Transportation as well as Minister responsible for the Status of Women. As the first female Minister of Highways and Transportation, she steered the department through a tumultuous period: road conditions became a major political issue, as the department implemented a policy of returning some minor highways to gravel roads. Bradley was also a strong advocate for bringing short-line railways to rural communities. Defeated in the 1999 provincial election, she returned to Milestone and resumed her teaching career.

Derek de Vlieger