Baker, Brenda (1959-)

Brenda Baker.
Jerry Humeny (Black Box Images)

Brenda Baker, a multifaceted artist, is one of Saskatchewan’s best loved children’s entertainers. Born in Saskatoon on April 6, 1959, Brenda graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a BFA in Visual Arts and continued to study theatre and creative writing, eventually becoming a “writer-performer.” Between 1989 and 1994, she toured regularly to folk clubs and festivals, performing for adults. She was a guest on such national CBC programs as Morningside, Gabereau, Swinging on a Star, and Basic Black. She has recorded five albums (two for adults, three for children) of mostly original music. Currently, she makes her living from school and festival concerts for children. She has also produced a theatrical story-song show and CD entitled The Old Elephant’s Christmas. In 1999, she hosted the pre-school TV series Prairie Berry Pie with Brenda Baker (Global/SCN). Among several awards is a nomination for Best Children’s Album 2003 Canadian Independent Music Awards and the 1999 Saskatchewan Book Award for Fiction for her short story collection, The Maleness of God. A dedicated volunteer, Brenda served as Saskatchewan’s UNICEF Ambassador for a year, and received the Saskatoon YWCA Woman of Distinction Award in 2001. Brenda is married to writer Arthur Slade and resides in Saskatoon.

Richard Belford